Research Groups @ Bristol.AI

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Core AI groups

Researchers in these groups publish in core AI conferences and journals.

UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Interactive AI (IAI CDT)

We train innovators in human-centred AI.

Prof Peter Flach, Dr Paul Marshall, Prof Raul Santos-Rodriguez, Dr Oliver Ray, Dr Edwin Simpson, Dr Zahraa Abdallah, Dr James Cussens, Dr Nirav Ajmeri, Dr Martha Lewis, Prof Andrew Charlesworth, plus many PhD supervisors in participating schools.

UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training in Practice-Oriented AI (PrO-AI CDT)

Bridges the gap between complex domains in science and research, and AI algorithms and techniques solving problems in those domains.

Prof Peter Flach, Dr Paul Marshall, Prof Raul Santos-Rodriguez, Dr Oliver Ray, Dr Edwin Simpson, Dr Zahraa Abdallah, Dr James Cussens, Dr Nirav Ajmeri, Dr Martha Lewis, Prof Andrew Charlesworth, Dr Telmo Silva Filho, Dr Conor Houghton, Prof Kenton O’Hara, plus many PhD supervisors in participating schools.

UKRI AI Research Hub: AI for Collective Intelligence (AI4CI)

Connected communities of people, devices, data and software collaboratively sensing and interacting in real-time to achieve positive outcomes at multiple scales.

Prof Seth Bullock, Dr Nirav Ajmeri, plus many postdocs and PhD students.

UKRI AI Research Hub: Information theory for distributed AI (INFORMED-AI)

The INFORMED-AI hub is developing theoretical foundations and algorithmic approaches for intelligent distributed systems to be effective, resilient and trustworthy in their operations.

Prof Jonathan Lawry, plus many postdocs and PhD students.

AI and Machine Learning Lab (AIL)

We study fundamental topics in AI and machine learning such as calibrated probabilities and explainability.

Prof Raul Santos-Rodriguez, Prof Peter Flach, Dr Oliver Ray, Dr Edwin Simpson, Dr Nirav Ajmeri, Dr Telmo Silva Filho, plus many PhD supervisors in participating schools.

Machine Learning and Computer Vision (MaVi)

We conduct research on the intersection of image and video processing and learning from data.

Prof Dima Damen, Prof Majid Mirmehdi, Prof Peter Flach, Prof Raul Santos-Rodriguez, Dr Tilo Burghardt, Dr Zahraa Abdallah, Dr Telmo Silva Filho, Dr Michael Wray, plus many postdocs and PhD students.

Collective Dynamics Lab (CDL)

Researchers study any of the many systems in nature and industry that consist of large numbers of constituent entities that nonlinearly interact with other entities within the system.

Dr Nikolai Bode, Prof Eddie Wilson, Prof Jonathan Lawry, Prof Luca Giuggioli, Dr Lucia Marucci, Dr Robert Szalai, Prof Seth Bullock, plus many postdocs and PhD students.

Data Science Lab (DSL)

Researchers work on ways to gather, wrangle, curate, visualise, analyse, and extract knowledge from the huge amounts of data we now have access to.

Dr Edwin Simpson, Dr Zahraa Abdallah, plus many PhD supervisors in participating schools.

Computational Neuroscience Unit (CNU)

Researchers develop and apply methods from AI, Machine Learning (ML), Data Science, and advanced simulation/modelling techniques to explore and address issues in present-day and future financial systems. ​

Dr Conor Houghton, Dr Rui Ponte Costa, Dr Laurence Aitchison, Prof Nathan Lepora, Dr Sean Froudist-Walsh, plus many postdocs and PhD students.

High Performance Computing (HPC)

Our research focuses on the application of heterogeneous and many-core computing to solve large-scale scientific problems. Related research problems we are addressing include: performance portability across many-core devices; advanced computer architectures and simulation; and fault tolerance software techniques for resiliency at scale.

Prof Simon McIntosh-Smith, plus many postdocs and PhD students.

Associated AI groups

Researchers in these groups employ state-of-the-art AI in their primary research domains.

  • Algorithms and Complexity (Algo)

    We study various aspects of the theory and practice of algorithms. The goal of our research is both to provide scalable solutions to existing problems and to understand the limits of what is possible.

  • Bristol Interaction Group (BIG)

    We study interactions between humans and technology, design novel interfaces and devices, critically examine social and environmental impact, and deploy and evaluate new interaction paradigms in everyday life settings.

  • Trustworthy Systems Laboratory (Trust)

    We are active in a broad range of research areas, including energy aware computing, innovative hardware design, test generation and verification & validation.

  • Bristol Cyber Security Group (Cyber)

    The group conducts cutting edge research focused on three over-arching but interlinked strands: security of cyber-physical infrastructures, software security and the role of human behaviours in cyber security.

  • Visual Information Laboratory (VI-Lab)

    The University of Bristol’s Visual Information Laboratory (VI-Lab) exists to undertake innovative, collaborative and interdisciplinary research resulting in world leading technology in the areas of computer vision, image and video communications, content analysis and distributed sensor systems.