Simpol Blogging, Adding New Posts

Published on April 16, 2017 By Simpol Theme — Tips/Tricks

Simpol Blogging: Creating Your Post

All of the blog posts that syndicate into the homepage (index.html) feed and Sitemap are located within the _posts folder.

It’s easy to add new posts.

  1. Create a new file in the _posts folder
  2. Name the file, using this naming convention: YYYY-MM-DD-post-name.markdown (or .md)
  3. Write out the Front Matter (see below)

As for the Front Matter, Simpol Theme incorporates and includes a few options. Always ensure that your file’s date and front matter date match up. Although highly recommended, things like the description author and header-img are completely optional.

layout date and title should not be considered optional.

Example: This Post’s Front Matter:

	layout:     post
	title:      "Simpol Blogging, Adding New Posts"
	description: "How to add your first post. Simpol Theme blogging overview."
	date:       2017-04-16 17:00:00
	author:     "Scott Mathson"
	header-img: img/posts/header-img/woman-typing-macbook.jpg